How To Use Cannabis Topicals To Manage Your Pain



Suffering from injuries or soreness of muscles can lead to aches and pain. Your first thought is to use over-the-counter medications or NSAIDs. But, do you know such medications can cause health problems? You can manage pain effectively using cannabis topicals. Creams, sprays, roll-ons, and other products containing cannabis can offer relief from severe pain and aches. Cannabis topical refers to the new product available in the market containing CBD (cannabidiol). You can apply it directly to the affected area to get relief from:

  • Muscle soreness

  • Acute pain

  • Aches

  • Sprain

While CBD has properties similar to THC, it is non-psychoactive. It means you can use it without the fear of getting high or dependent on it. Ingesting cannabis and absorbing it through the skin has a big difference. Read ahead to know more and how it is useful.

About Cannabis Topical Products



Everywhere you look, you can find CBD (cannabidiol) products. From CBD gummies for pain, which you can eat, CBD vaping products, to CBD bathing products, you have various products offering impressive benefits. You can also use cannabis to manage pain. Top manufacturers make ointments by infusing high-quality cannabis flowers in carrier oils like coconut or olive oil. The oil is blended with therapeutic herbs to offer products that help manage pain.

How Cannabis Topical Manages Pain?



When you suffer from pain, you treat it with over-the-counter medications. When pain becomes severe, you take prescription opioids. Opioids use for a long time can lead to addiction. Affected people switch to heroin when it becomes difficult to get prescription medications. Many people have followed this path and suffered fatal complications as a result. To avoid such adverse reactions or addiction, people have started turning to much safer options like CBD. 

Many people in society are now experimenting with cannabis topicals to deal with pain without suffering from complications.

Working Of Cannabis Topical

The CB1 and CB2 are the cannabinoid receptors present in your skin. They fire off signals to block any signals causing the unpleasant vibes triggered due to pain. The receptors are a part of the endocannabinoid system, and respond to the chemical messages, aiding your skin to nurture a healthy balance. When you apply cannabis cream or spray, it bypasses the receptors (CB1and CB2) and impacts neurotransmitters directly. It works through the anandamide and 2-AG agents to block pain signals.



Alleviating pain by sidestepping CB1 and CB2 means you get relief without a high sensation. The quality has provided researchers a safer pain treatment option without sparking addiction. The different scientific studies on animals have proven effective in managing pain while using cannabis topicals. A few human trials are underway to analyze the effect of pain relief provided by cannabis. Without conclusive evidence, people have started using cannabis to ease the discomfort caused by medical treatments like chemotherapy. Cannabis topicals can also alleviate pain and discomfort caused due to chronic conditions like arthritis.

Benefits Of Using Cannabis Topicals

Most people opt for cannabis topicals instead of taking non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs because of their benefits. Some of the benefits are mentioned below.

  1. Focused Pain-Relief

Taking pain pills works on the entire body instead of acting at a specific pain point. The medication reaches your bloodstream and travels to different parts of the body. So, it results in various side-effects. Using CBD topicals like sprays, roll-ons, oil, or cream on the affected area offers fast-action pain relief.

  1. Little/No Side Effects

If you are suffering from extreme pain due to an injury or fall, you add side-effects to it while taking painkillers. Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs), or over-the-counter medications can cause side effects like:

  • Nausea

  •  Drowsiness

  • Diarrhea

  • Weakened immune system (long-term use)

Cannabis topicals available in different formats can ease the pain with minimum or no side effects. It is useful because cannabis works with the endocannabinoids present in your body. So, it can boost ECS to optimum and restore the body to its best self. It may also help reduce pain, treat anxiety, and insomnia. Massaging the cannabis topical on injury offers instant pain relief without affecting mental clarity.

  1. Long-lasting Relief

Cannabis topical manages short-term or long-term pain problems. Using it can also reduce the chances of developing arthritis in your later years. Apart from reducing pain due to injuries, it lowers the chances of developing chronic pain.

Choosing Best Cannabis Topical To Manage Pain

When you opt for cannabis topical to relieve pain, it is essential to ensure you follow specific points for effective results.

  • Always choose high-quality, chemical-free, organic CBD topical.

  • Make an informed decision and become aware of the type of CBD you choose (if it is isolate, broad-spectrum, or full-spectrum).

  • Ensure you apply the correct dosage suggested for getting relief from pain.


You can suffer from sore muscles or injuries when you play or perform some intense physical work. Instead of using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to get relief from pain, and get addicted to it, use cannabis topicals to ease pain instantly. Massaging the topical offer adequate pain management. But, if pain persists, get advice from the doctor immediately.

NewsRoseTopicals, CBD, pain, cannabis