5 Things In Medical Marijuana That Don’t Get You High

Gone are the times when people used to frown upon the idea of using marijuana. With legalization around the globe, people are opening up to using medical marijuana to treat several ailments. The medical fraternity is also coming up with evidence about how marijuana can help people combat many physical and psychological conditions, without the high.      

Do you know what medical marijuana is? Are you wondering how and why it doesn’t get you high? If yes, then you’ve reached the right place. Read on to find out everything about medical marijuana.


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What is medical marijuana?

People have been using the cannabis plant for centuries, but with recent research, it is emerging as a popular alternative medicine. Medical marijuana is nothing but using the entire plant or parts of it for therapeutic reasons. When you encounter people talking about using medical marijuana, they are using the same plant, but for different purposes. Such is the affluence of marijuana today that there are 24*7 drive-through and tasting lounges opening up.

The therapeutic benefits of marijuana are helping people combat various diseases. From cancer to epilepsy, chronic pain to anxiety, people are using medical marijuana to treat the ailment organically. Marijuana Canada is the most effective and popular choice among users today for medical reasons.  




What are the things present in medical marijuana that doesn’t induce a high?

Are you wondering how marijuana helps? Well, it is due to the presence of chemical compounds called cannabinoids. There are hundreds of different cannabinoids present in it that decides how marijuana will affect you.   

People are also coming up with new strains and varieties of medical marijuana that have a high content of therapeutic cannabinoids.

The most striking fact about medical marijuana is that it cannot get you high. It contains zero or a negligible amount of THC or tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the psychoactive cannabinoid that can cause a mind-altering high.

Here are some other things present in medical marijuana that doesn’t get you high:

1.       CBD:

CBD or cannabidiol is the most important cannabinoid present in medical marijuana. It accounts for 40% of the plant matter. CBD from CBDfx is a medicinal chemical compound that can be attributed to the many benefits of marijuana. It doesn’t induce a high, but it can interact with your body to initiate change.

Your body contains an endocannabinoid system, which is a complex structure of cells. The endocannabinoid system produces neurotransmitters called cannabinoids to interact with the different parts of your body. These cannabinoids go on to bind with CB1 and CB2 receptors present in cells, hormones, and organs. They communicate with the receptors to alter how you react to external stimuli.

The cannabinoid CBD you get from marijuana, and the ones produced in your body are identical. The cannabinoid can communicate with the receptors and help you combat a series of health troubles when you consume it. CBD is known to help with pain, insomnia, anxiety, and even epilepsy.    


2.       CBG:

CBG or cannabigerol is a lesser-known cannabinoid present in medical marijuana. There is usually only 1% of CBG present in the herb or even less. Much like CBD, CBG can also interact with the endocannabinoid system and help you get healthy. It may have anti-inflammatory properties that help with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD). CBG can also work as an antibacterial agent.  


3.       CBC:

Cannabichromene (CBC) is a potent cannabinoid that you can find in marijuana. CBD is a non-high inducing chemical compound, but it comes with plenty of health benefits. Experts believe that CBC works with CBD to deliver antidepressant properties, helping you combat anxiety, depression, and frequent mood changes. Upon interacting with natural cannabinoid anandamide, CBC might inhibit its uptake and become a powerful cancer-fighting agent.


4.       CBL:

Cannabicyclol or CBL is yet another non-psychoactive cannabinoid. It is quite identical to CBD in nature, but it is produced by the degradation of the cannabinoid CBC or cannabichromene. When CBC comes in contact with light or heat, it turns into CBL. Due to the lack of research, there is not much known about this cannabinoid, but researchers believe it can have medicinal properties.


5.       Terpenes:

Do you experience a distinct flavour when you consume marijuana? If yes, it is because of the presence of terpenes. Terpenes are a large group of compounds that add an aroma and flavour to the herb. If you think adding a taste is all terpenes can do, you are mistaken. Terpenes can also promote the effects of other cannabinoids like CBD and THC for depression or anxiety through the entourage effect. Some of the common terpenes present in medical marijuana are – Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene, Caryophyllene, and  Terpinolene.

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Final Thought

Medical marijuana is helping transform the lives of many people all across the world. It is not only helping them achieve overall health but may also combat a wide array of physical and psychological disorders. If you are wondering whether using medical marijuana will get you high, you can let go off your worries. With a series of non-psychoactive cannabinoids and terpenes, medical marijuana may help you get healthy, sans the high. Consult your doctor and get your hands on high-grade marijuana today.


About the Author:

Liz Thomson is a full-time content marketing specialist. She has been closely following the CBD Wellness and Healthcare Industry trends for quite some time. She has dabbled in various domains like Travel, Health and Fitness before the CBD industry. On her off days, she likes to spend her time at the nearest animal shelter, lift weights and/or do yoga,  or be nose deep in a novel. She finds architecture and wildlife interesting and spends a lot of time researching the same.

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